Saturday, April 12, 2008

Amsterdam, Holland

29 March - 2 April

After a 12 hour flight we arrived in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland). It was very cold and wet. Our first day we took a tram to the centre and the first thing I did was buy a warm hat & gloves. Amsterdam has lots of souvenir shops, coffee shops, cheese shops. We walked across some canals to the Jewish Museum and looked at a special exhibition on comic book art. My favourite was The Spirit. We walked around the Museum and read about what happened to the Dutch Jewish people during World War Two.
After we went to Rembrantsplein, there is a sculpture there called the Night Watch. Then we went to a shop - Henks and bought some comics - The Spirit, The Rabbi's Cat and Maus. We also got four Zelda figurines.
The next day we changed hotels and stayed in the centre. It was still cold. We visited Ann Frank's House. Annn Frank was a Jewish teenager who hid from the Nazis with her family & others in a secret annexe during World War 2. They hid for two years before being found and Ann kept a diary which her father published after the war. You had to climb stairs hidden behind a bookcase in her father's offices. The rooms were tiny and it was hard to think of 8 people living there for so long. Ann, her sister and mother all died before the war ended.

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